

AMBE uma organizaçāo nāo governamental sem fins lucrativos que trabalha para proporcionar apoio, proteçāo e coordenaçāo da prestaçāo de serviços para mulheres brasileiras que vivem no Reino Unido. 

Nossos serviços sāo totalmente gratuitos e com atendimento exclusivamente na lingua portuguesa, sem discriminaçāo, a brasileiras domiciliadas e residentes no Reino Unido e em situaçāo de vulnerabilidade

Suporte Emocional

A solid foundation in education is key to success later in life. Your donation funds teachers, books and extracurricular activities to help get youngsters off to the right start. 


Basic health care that many of us take for granted can be hard for others to access. We ensure that underprivileged youngsters and adults have access to the health practitioners they need. 

Apoio Jurídico

Community is the family that goes beyond family. It is the people and places that we come in contact with each and every day. When we strengthen communities, we strengthen individuals.
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